HPP Extras

Our HPP Extras are products that we have created to support college courses. They are useful in adapting HPP Journal articles in the classroom. This is a living document and we are excited to continue to add tools and resources to engage students with HPP’s articles. Click the images to access our tools:

Reading Lists

These curated lists include topics like engaging African American communities, Nutrition, and San José State course-specific readings. These lists help you locate themed HPP articles easily and the annotated lists provide insight and ideas for how to use them!


These snapshots offer a quick peek of the article, key words, and main points.

Teaching Tools

Help your students read Health Promotion Practice articles – or any scholarly article – more efficiently and effectively.

The HPP Bookshelf: Author Conversations

These additions to our bookshelf are short collections about our HPP authors.

People and Places Videos

These videos offer a chance to get to know HPP’s authors through three episodes:

  1. Getting to know you personally and professionally
  2. Breaking down the article
  3. Going beyond the article and applying the findings to the field

The HPP Podcast

This podcast releases new episodes every Wednesday. Listen on on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Anchor!

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